Hadis : Dari Abdullah bin Mas'ud Radiallaahu'anhu, dia berkata : Rasulullah s.a.w pernah menyampaikan sebuah hadis tentang mal... thumbnail 1 summary

Hadis :

Dari Abdullah bin Mas'ud Radiallaahu'anhu, dia berkata : Rasulullah s.a.w pernah menyampaikan sebuah hadis tentang malam dimana beliau di Israk-Mikrajkan bahawa beliau tidaklah melalui sekumpulan Malaikat melainkan mereka semua menyuruh Beliau s.a.w dengan mengatakan : Perintahkanlah umatmu agar berbekam".

(Lihat Sahih Sunan at Tirmizi, Syaikh Albani (II/20)

Apakah Hijamah itu?
Istilah Hijamah berasal dari bahasa Arab, dalam kitab Lisaanul Arab disebutkan bahawa kata Alhajmu menurut bahasa sama dengan al-mashnu   (penghisapan/penyedutan) dari akar Hajama-yahjumu-hajman yang bererti mencegah, menyedut, memalingkan, memagut, mematuk, menjauhkan. Alhajjam ertinya orang yang kerjayanya sebagai ahli hijamah atau disebut al-haajim.

Hijamah/Bekam adalah salah satu cara pengubatan penyakit dengan cara mengeluarkan angin dan/atau Toxin/oxidant dari tubuh melalui permukaan kulit.

"Cupping used to : drain excess fluids and toxins, loose adhesions and lift connective tissue, bring blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles and stimulate the peripheral nervous system"

Dengan melakukan penghisapan/vakum maka terbentuklah tekanan negatif di dalam cawan sehingga terjadi drainage cairan tubuh berlebihan (Oxidant) dan Toksin, menghilangkan perlekatan /adhesive jaringan dan akan mengalirkan darah bersih ke permukaan kulit dan jaringan otot yang mengalami stagnasi serta merangsang sistem saraf periferi.

Berbekam merupakan cara pengubatan Sunnah yang telah digunakan dalam mengubati berbagai kelainan penyakit seperti Haemophilia, Hipertensi, Gout, Rheumatik Arthritis, Sciatica, Back pain, Migraine, Vertigo, Anxietas (kecemasan), serta penyakit umum lainnya bersifat fizikal atupun mental.

Sejak Bilakah Hijamah Dikenali?
Bekam sudah dikenali sejak ribuan tahun sebelum masehi, iatu kerajaan Sumeria, kemudian terus berkembang sehingga Babylon, Mesir kuno, Saba dan Persia. Alat yang digunakan pun sangat tradisional iaitu menggunakan tanduk kerbau/lembu, tulang unta, gading gajah dan buluh.

Pengeluaran darah pada zaman Rasulullah s.a.w menggunakan tulang (Lahyi Jamal) dengan sayatan menggunakan syafrah, sejenis pisau besi yang hujungnya tajam tanpa gagang, bermata satu atau dua. Cara ini sangat dikenali dan dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w hingga sekarang.

Disebutkan oleh Curtis N.J (2005), dalam artikel Management of Urinary tract Infections: historical perspective and current strategies- part 1-before antibiotics. Journal of Urology. 173(1):21-26, Januari 2005. Bahawa catatan Textbook kedoktoran tertua Ebers Papyrus yang ditulis sekitar tahun 1550 SM di Mesir kuno menyebutkan masalah Bekam.

Pada zaman Cina Kuno seorang herbalis Ge Hong (281-341 M) dalam bukunya A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies menggunakan tanduk haiwan untuk membekam/mengeluarkan bisul yang disebut "jiaofa", sedangkan di masa Dinasti Tang bekam digunakan untuk mengubati TBC paru-paru. Pada Kurun abad ke-18 (abad ke-13 Hijrah) , orang-orang di Eropah menggunakan lintah (al-'alaq) sebagai alat untuk bekam (dikenal dengan istilah Leech Therapy) dan masih diamalkan sehingga sekarang.

Hippocrates (460-377 SM), Celsus (53 SM-7M), Aulus Comelius Galen (200-300 M) mempopularkan cara pembuangan secara langsung dari pembuluh darah untuk pengubatan di zamannya. Dalam melakukan teknik pengubatan tersebut, jumlah darah yang keluar cukup banyak . Cara ini juga sering digunakan oleh orang Romawi, Yunani, Byzantium dan Itali oleh para Rahib yang meyakini akan keberhasilan dan khasiatnya.

When you examine the content of blood, it can be separated into white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, variety of nutrients and water. They are removed from the body through urine, but a part of them are caught and piles up in the capillaries, and they congeal with one another and turn into a Jello-like substance ?. If you run a chemical analysis on them,it will turn up as part fat and part protein, in which case, you could call them cholesterol. Excess consumption of fat and protein will also result in accumulation of the gelatinous substance; whether they are mixed or not, chemical analysis makes no distinction.

The blood that has accumulated in the capillaries and does not flow. There are several reasons why it increases.

'Coagulated blood' ( CB )form and accumulate,

* When the liver malfunctions
* When the kidney malfunctions
* Due to excess stress
* When heavy metals accumulates
* When chemical substance accumulates
* Due to toxic chemicals, such as insecticide, and preservatives

It is fair to say that anything that may cause white blood cells living in blood to die is a reason why CB forms. When you know the facts, it is easy to understand all symptoms and treatment becomes easy as well.

In Bekam Treatment, one thing can very easily be misunderstood. People who do not yet acknowledge Bekam will say that CB is no different that congealed blood, point to the blood that could not be absorbed with cotton, and say that normal blood coagulates after exposure to the air. This thought belongs to an expert layman, who knows much about nothing. CB and normal blood can be clearly distinguished. Normal blood does coagulate when it cools down, however, it is different from CB. Normal blood coagulates when it cools down; CB is gelatinous during extraction and solidifies as soon as it leaves the body.

It is possible to illustrate these facts through two experiments.

1. If you put coagulated blood in hydrogen peroxide solution, it will dissolve.

* The unique property of CB is that when it accumulates in the capillaries, it turns into a fatty layer. CB is a phase in between the two; therefore, if you attempt to dissolve CB in hydrogen peroxide, it will leave behind a fibrous substance.

2. When white blood cells engulf a wide variety of heavy metals and die, inside dead white blood cells are heavy metals.

What this means is that if you run a chemical analysis on coagulated blood and CB, you will find higher levels of heavy metal. This also means that, it is possible to treat symptoms caused by variety of heavy metals with Bekam Treatment. Why? Because Bekam Treatment is a procedure, which can extract CB that coats heavy metals from the body.

On the other hand, my CB is not normal blood that flows through the blood vessels. I am speaking of the blood that clogs the capillary. Because the consistency of CB is so thick, it's hard to extract and it's possible to see the thickness with the naked eye, since blood cells are such small micro organisms, to facilitate understanding on how CB accumulates in the capillary and turns thick, think of lime deposits in the water pipes of very old houses.

There are two type of CB. I have already explained one type; the other is the case where gelatinous CB have completely decomposed into watery substance. When you Bekam such CB, it is runny like water, but the colour of CB is so dark that it's easy to see that it has absolutely no value as blood. Logically it may take about 30 years before gelatinous CB decomposes into the watery substance. The reason is that most patients with such CB in their bodies are, on average, 50 years or older. And they suffer from a severe case of Alzheimer's disease, memory loss, and headaches. Of these, most common are Alzheimer's and stroke patients.


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